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Rosario Dawson (Sin City, Rent, Clerks 2 etc.) Kevin Smith was stuck in traffic and missed his panel. Good news for me because hall H emptied when it was announced Smith would be later in the day... I was able to get inside for the next panels I wanted to see. Rosario stepped up to the mike and entertained us, taking questions, talking to the fans and even singing.
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ExhibitPlus Celeb08 Rosario Dawson (Sin City, Rent, Clerks 2 etc.)  Kevin Smith was stuck in traffic and missed his panel.  Good news for me because hall H emptied when it was announced Smith would be later in the day... I was able to get inside for the next panels I wanted to see. <I'm not a Smith fan>  Rosario stepped up to the mike and entertained us, taking questions, talking to the fans and even singing.